materials list

Option 1 - Order the Complete Kit through Wet Paint

-in addition - roll of paper towels (to be left in classroom) - continuing students need to bring a new roll every term.


option 2 - gather your own art supplies

- 2H pencils (2 or 3)
- kneaded eraser
- pink pearl eraser
- Dr. PhMartin’s Black Star Hicarb waterproof India ink
- Crow quill pen nib Hunt #107 and small pen holder
- Crow quill pen nib #512 and large pen holder
- Prang Oval 8 watercolor set
- Loew Cornell Plastic palette round, 10 well
- Synthetic #4 round watercolor brush
- Synthetic 1/2” round watercolor brush
- Strathmore Bristol 9” x 12” 100 sheet, 50 lb. sketch book

- shoebox or tackle box to hold your art supplies
- roll of paper towels (to be left in classroom) - continuing students need to bring a new roll every term.